To prove whether Is Pineapplz Legit or not, we put all the details of the website, like its creation date and trust score, that will help our readers decide.
Do you want to buy women’s clothes, kid’s clothes, a writing board, a pen, and a pencil case from one website? Here we are presenting a website that deals in all the mentioned products. The website ensures its clients about the product quality and safety issues. The website is got well-recognition in the United States.
Oh! Are you worried that it Is Pineapplz Legit or fraud domain? Don’t be fret in the article; we will study all the essential facts to know its authenticity. is a reliable or fake domain-
- The domain was created on 16/10/2013 and offers its services for 8-year, 7-months, and 17-days.
- The web domain has below to average trust count that is 40%.
- You can ask your queries by calling the given contact number in the website.
- The website offers its current physical address on its contact information to reach the store.
- Our analysis found that the website copied 78% of the content from another internet site.
- To study Pineapplz Reviews, we found that website does not contain any social media site logos on its home page.
- We did not find any irrelevant price-cut on its product.
- The web domain does not state the name of the owner.
- The web domain got #4704823 rank on the global ranking platform Alexa.
- Buyers can read all the policies by turning separate pages.
What is provides all kinds of women’s and kids’ clothes and deals in study material accessories like pencils, pen cases, writing boards, etc. Still, shoppers are waiting for analysis to know whether it Is Pineapplz Legit or fraud domain.
Specification of
- URL of digital domain-
- The digital domain has created on – 16/10/2013
- The digital domain will end on-16/10/2022
- Email address[email protected]
- Existing physical address- 834 Merwin Street, Jewett, NY 12444, US
- Ring-up on- You can call on this number+1(623) 999-9388; the website offers 24/7 customer support.
- Delivery time- You can receive your order at your door within 5 to 10 days.
- Social media promotional page- The website designer does not create a brand publicity page on the social media site, so it lacks brand promotion and creates doubt Is Pineapplz Legit or a fraud domain.
- Free shipping – It offers free shipping on all orders.
- Return Policy- With certain limitations, the web-store offers a 14-days return policy.
- Restocking charges- The store does not charge any fees on product returns to its customers.
- Refund Policy-Within a couple of days, you will get a refund in your account.
- Cancellation Policy-It accepts your order cancellation request if the product is not produced and offers a full refund. If the product delivers from the warehouse, you cannot cancel your order.
- Payment modes– PayPal, Master Card, Visa, Amex, Discover, etc.
Is Pineapplz Legit stay with its benefits-
- The portal deals in a variety of products with standard quality product assurance.
- It offers to return, refund, cancellation all the required policies to its customer and supports its authenticity.
- The domain was created many years ago, which means it is popular.
- A valid contact number and official address are mentioned on the website.
Disadvantages of the website-
- The owner’s identity is hidden that usually done by the fraud sits.
- We found technical errors during the content analysis and were unable to compare content.
- The website does not follow the proper promotional strategy.
Pineapplz Reviews-
The domain is too old, so it is worth trusting it. In this manner, we found all the positive reviews from the customers. Some say they are satisfied with product quality and share it with others. Few of the clients appreciate its delivery services and staff support.
However, it hides the name of its owner, so buyers should know about Get Your Money-Back from PayPal if You Get Scammed. The trust score is below average, but it has been working for several years so that buyers can trust it. It got a 4.7/5 rank on the reviewing site. Still missing detail creating doubt it can be fraud so do more study on it before to purchase.
Is Pineapplz Legit or fraud domain? To know consider the article, we made a depth study on the website and mentioned a detailed overview of the website. Consider it-Romper two-piece set for kids and be aware of- How to Get a Full-Refund on Credit Card scams if you are scammed by online scammers.
Have you ever been scammed by an online shopping site? Please share your experience with us.