This article discusses the controversy between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Is Johnny Depp Guilty yet need to be found out.
Do you have any idea about the recent controversy and lawsuit case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? These two famous stars brought their relationship to the lawsuit as Amber Heard claimed he was beaten and bruised by Johnny Depp.
This controversy is spoken Worldwide and clarifies who is the real victim and who is plotting on others. People judge their opinion and statements in court sessions. It still needs to be justified: Is Johnny Depp Guilty or not.
Testimony in the court?
Many allegations were raised against both Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in the court session. Johnny Depp filed a case against Amber Heard, saying that she was blackmailing him for money and making a wrong allegation which also affected his career and life.
They brought their relationship to court because Johnny Depp claims that she frames her for money and destroys his career. There are many other allegations raised in the court against Johnny Depp. Still, there is no clear confirmation about who is the guilty one.
Johnny Depp Amber Heard Who Is Guilty.
There are multiple allegations raised by Amber Heard stating that Johnny Depp is brutally assaulting her and beating her to death. Even in their relationship Johnny Depp said that he would “kill her”, and hearing this from his partner, she was broken to a big extent.
In return, Johnny Depp was not so aggressive and asked for help as he stated that this is all framing of Amber Heard to ask him for money and destroy his career as an actor even his upcoming movie fantastic beasts 3 is also asking him to resign due to this controversy and case.
Is Amber Heard Guilty
The testimony didn’t come to the result of who is guilty or not but all the allegations of Amber Heard are against Johnny Depp, and there are certain proofs that she is claiming against him.
Amber Heard shows some bruises and cuts on her arms and body that Johnny Depp harmed, she claims, and she is also saying that she has been going through a cavity check because Johnny thinks she is hiding cocaine inside it. Amber said that she loves him and his family. He is brutally assaulting me and drinking and beating me in every way. Is Johnny Depp Guilty or Amber Heard? It is unclear because testimony is still on, but both parties are making huge allegations and complaining against each other.
This controversy between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is very confusing because the allegations are brutal and unacceptable. Johnny Depp says that he framed her, but Amber says he is abused and beaten by him.
Who do you think is guilty? Write down your thoughts in the comment section below, giving a valid point on testimony. Is Johnny Depp Guilty not clear yet? If you want to read allegations of Amber Heard, click.
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