Scrolling through the post, you will be updated about the information on the Website Zumerisports and other related factors and Is Zumerisport Legit or not.
Are you struggling to find good and affordable sports bags for use? Zumerisport might be a solution for that. In today’s world, where the market is shifting online. You can find anything and everything online from sitting at home.
So if you are very interested in sports, you can also find zumerisport interesting, which makes bags and accessories from sports ball materials that are unique and very new. This store is located in the United States. Furthermore, it needs to be addressed: Is Zumerisport Legit or not and several other website details.
Is Zumerisport a trustworthy website or not?
- The Website has been registered for over 9 months, on 23rd November 2021.
- The expiry date of the Website is 23rd November 2022.
- Whois paid services have hidden the owner’s identity
- The trust score of 2% makes the Website very suspicious.
- Sadly, the Website is not found on any social media platforms.
- The Website is not found blacklisted by any blacklist search engine.
- 0 is the ranking of the Website as per Website popularity.
- Zumerisport Reviews are not found on other websites and platforms, which is not a good thing.
- Proximity to suspicious websites score is 32 out of 100.
- Protocol HTTP connection protects the data of the Website.
- The score for threat is 28 out of 100, and the phishing score is 24 out of 100.
- The spam score is 28/100, and 17/100 is the Malware score.
- The trust index is 47.90, a questionable score for any website.
Hence, as discussed above, the score is not even average. Even though it is bad, we cannot conclude anything about Is Zumerisport Legit based on that, and the requirement to check specific details and reviews is necessary.
Know all about the Website:
Zumerisports is a brand inspired by other bags for sports activities in the market which are not very comfortable. These bags are made of materials that are used to make sports ball. The brand focused on customer preferences and made it after lots of market research.
It’s not very common for sports accessories to be stylish, useful, and comfortable simultaneously. Still, this Website has tried to fulfill every demand of the public and meet all the criteria for making the bags positive about the question of Is Zumerisport Legit.
Specifications of the Website Zumerisport
- Domain URL-
- Website name-
- Address –Suite 110, Sterling, VA 20166, 23475 Rock Haven Way.
- Email address – [email protected]
- Contact Information – +1 805-784-9101
- Return and Refund Policy – Returns are allowed on certain conditions within 30 days and another 14 days for a refund.
- Shipping Policy – Shipping takes 24 to 48 hours to ship the order.
- Exchange Policy – No exchanges are allowed apart from damaged products.
- Payment modes – Many kinds of Payment options are available, like MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, etc.
- Free Shipping – No free shipping service is provided.
Positive highlights of the Website to determine whether Is Zumerisport Legit or not!
- It provides style and comfort at affordable prices.
- HTTP protects the safety of data.
- No information about the owner is available.
- All information about policies, contact, address, and everything is on the official Website.
- Thirty days return policy is mentioned.
Negative highlights of the Website
- The Website does not disclose the owner’s details.
- Free shipping is not available from Zumerisports.
- Negative opinions of people about the Website are available.
As you can see, there are many advantages and disadvantages; for Zumerisports further, we have to check the reviews and several other factors to decide its legitimacy.
What are Zumerisport Reviews?
Customers’ feedback plays a very crucial role in determining a website’s legitimacy. But, what if any website lacks it! Same situation has been found for this portal, as Zumerisport lacks the reviews from the existing customers.
Either this website failed to attract customers or has not given any good service so that any customer should give a positive feedback. In addition to this, you can refer here to be safe against Credit card scamming.
Final summary
After our research we can say “No” to the question: Is Zumerisport Legit! As the Website’s recent registration date, other scores provided, and reviews, are not very good and not trustworthy. We do not recommend this Website, and suggest you prefer a legit portal for your online purchase.
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